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Sir Sean Connery makes his contribution to the national conversation

25-Sep-2007 • Actor News

The SNP'S most ardent supporter, Sir Sean Connery, will this week make his contribution to the government's "national conversation", introduced following its first 100 days in power - reports the Sunday Herald.

Edinburgh's most famous export has written a commentary piece calling for a "serious discussion about Scotland's future", which will appear on the government's website dedicated to the debate. A number of ministerial blogs have already appeared on the site since its launch on August 14.

Connery begins: "Like many people, I have watched with wonder at all the enthusiasm and energy generated by the SNP government's first 100 days. Many of us are looking forward with great anticipation to seeing what happens over the next four years.

"Every step of the first 100 days has advanced Scotland's interest, and now it is time to give Scots a chance to reflect on the progress and converse about the future of Scotland."

It is the latest display of public support - both personal and financial - from the former James Bond star for First Minister Alex Salmond's party. In the run up to May's election he also appeared in SNP party political broadcasts.

In the article the Hollywood actor says he believes the minority government has been a "blessing" because it has provided an opportunity for "a genuinely democratic position to evolve in parliament".

He goes on to say: "Now it is time to see where the other political parties stand. More importantly, it is time to see what the Scottish people want.

"It is amazing to think back only four months ago to the front pages of some newspapers, quoting unionist politicians predicting gloom and doom if the public had the temerity to choose a new government.

"Now, if the same sensationalist charges are foisted on the public by the scaremongers, it will further point out the vacuous nature of their rhetoric. It is time we had a serious discussion about Scotland's future."

The National Conversation website has reportedly received more than 150,000 hits in its first month. As well as blogs written by ministers, the website has full details about the white paper Choosing Scotland's Future, a document which outlines the necessity for a debate about the nation's constitution. There were more than 1500 comments posted on the site in response to Salmond's own blog, which described the ethos behind the national conversation.

One read: "I think it's great everyone is being given an opportunity to take part in this national conversation'. Our government may be new but they are showing a maturity that our previous administrations never could."

But others were clearly less convinced by the campaign, which cost in the region of £40,000. "The people of Scotland don't need the Scottish Executive to waste parliament time in order for them to have a debate on independence," said one respondent.

"Both opinion polls and the election results show that there is no groundswell of demand for independence, and this is a cynical attempt to stoke it up. Get on with some real work."

Towards the end of his article, Connery points out what he describes as a new sense of optimism and ambition in the country, even citing Scotland's footballers' win in France on Wednesday: "There is a buzz around Scotland, doubly so after James McFadden's terrific winning goal against France! Everything is moving forward now in a prudent and consistent way - step by step.

"The key part of this national conversation is that it is the people who will decide. There are alternatives. Donald Dewar was right - we are on a road, in a process, part of a conversation. It is time for us to embrace the conversation and move it forward."

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