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Sir Roger Moore reflects on the passing of his friend Lois Maxwell

01-Oct-2007 • Actor News

Former James Bond Sir Roger Moore has paid tribute to Miss Moneypenny actress Lois Maxwell, who has died at the age of 80 - reports Sky News.

Speaking to Sky News, Moore said: "Lois and I first met in 1944 when we were in the same class at RADA.

"We shared the same year of birth and we played opposite each other at RADA. I was the only actor in the class who was tall enough to actually play opposite her.

"We did Pride And Prejudice together, we did Henry V and then of course she worked with me on the stage and in The Saint and The Persuaders! and all my Bond movies."

Moore described how happy he was to see her when he stepped onto the set for the first time as 007.

"Lois was particulary friendly because we had known each other for such a long time," he said.

"She had a son called Christian, and I had a son called Christian, so we had a great deal in common."

Asked if she was the definitive Miss Moneypenny, he said: "Absolutely and I think it was a great pity that she wasn't considered to become M. That would have been wonderful.

"Last night we had the National Movie Awards and I presented the recognition award to Barbara Broccili, Cubby's daughter.

"It's a pity we didn't have the news then so we could have paused for a tribute to her. Lois Maxwell didn't have enough tributes in her life.

"She was my lucky token and those that remember the Bond films with Moneypenny will remember her with great affection.

"She will certainly be missed by me and I'm sure by millions of fans around the world."

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