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Bidding war hots up for Sir Roger Moore`s autobiography

13-Oct-2007 • Actor News

James Bond star Sir Roger Moore has opened a £2million bidding war for his life story - reports the Sunday Express.

Leading publishers Bloomsbury and Weidenfeld & Nicolson are said to be front runners to secure the rights to My Word Is My Bond, which already has a minimum price tag of £1million.

Lesley Pottinger, literary agent for Sir Roger – who celebrates his 80th birthday today – told The Bookseller magazine that the race for the actor’s autobiography is “already approaching a beauty contest shortlist”. She added: “I’ve got one publisher a yard up in front.”

While bids are expected to reach £2million, some publishers at the Frankfurt Book Fair are complaining that the autobiography is overpriced.

“There’s a market value and then there’s the value that these people put on themselves,” says a managing director of a major publisher who pulled out of the bidding. “The two are often quite different.”

Another leading industry figure added: “It’s worth £100,000, but Sir Roger Moore is used to dealing in millions. Someone will pay it.”

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