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Sean Connery joins the UK board of Independent News & Media

23-Mar-2003 • Bond News

Sir Sean Connery has joined the UK board of Independent News & Media, publishers of The Belfast Telegraph and London-based titles The Independent and Independent on Sunday.

The former James Bond actor said he was looking forward to contributing to the board`s discussions on the issues closest to him - the arts, sport and Scotland.

Sir Sean, 72, was approached to join the board by Independent executive chairman Sir Anthony O`Reilly.

Speaking from his home in the Bahamas, the 007 star said: "Tony O`Reilly is an old friend, and I was delighted when he asked me to serve on the Independent board. I admire what he is doing with the title (Independent), which stands as a voice of sanity and integrity in an industry whose standards I have had some cause to complain of."

The UK board is chaired by Liam Healy and also includes Sir Anthony O`Reilly, former British Chancellor Ken Clarke, former Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee, Baroness Jay, Andreas Whitten Smith, Sir George Quigley, Baroness Kennedy and chief executive Ivan Fallon.

Sir Sean recently declared that he would only return to live in Scotland if it became independent. The actor has paid £3.7m in tax to the UK Treasury since 1997 despite living in the Bahamas.

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