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Pierce Brosnan reflects on the prospect of turning the big 5-0 in May, and his future as Bond

30-Mar-2003 • Casino Royale

Pierce Brosnan talked to London`s Metro magazine last week about his latest film `Evelyn` and the prospect of turning the big 5-0 in May this year:

Pierce brosnan is two months away from the big five-0. but he doesn`t appear to be about to revert to adolescence, or to be suffering the symptoms of a mid life crisis "it has crept up with the speed of a flame" he says. "Turning 50 has significance and any man how says it doesn`t is looking the wrong way. It is a time for reflection. To look back at what you`ve achieved and forward to what you might yet achieve." This philosophical attitude notwithstanding, he is not going to go quietly into his next half century. "it`s gonna be one big shindig", he laughs. "And it will probably be in London. It`s where most of my friends and family are."

Latest figures reveal that DAD is the most successful Bond ever. It will be a tough act to follow. And like a time-bomb planted by one of Bond`s diabolical villains, the clock is ticking fast.

"I think we`re good for a fifth" he says, "Barbara and Michael say they`re happy to have me on board until I say no. but one has to be realistic about this. As for a sixth, it`s a possibility.

"With the last one we turned it into a drama where you sensed that the man really did exist as opposed to a two dimensional character. When Bond first appeared nobody had ever seen a character like him, and it took Connery a few films to find reality. But he arrived at the point where he was comfortable in the role. I think I reached that point in the last one."

Thanks to Dusty for the intel.

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