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Whoops - Daniel Craig gets his number wrong with 008 Stage at Pinewood

01-Dec-2007 • Quantum Of Solace

Everyone makes mistakes. Even double-O agents are allowed the occasional slip-ups. Perhaps not their assigned number, though...

Daniel Craig was interviewed by BBC Breakfast TV yesterday about his latest film "The Golden Compass". At the end of the segment, talk turned - inevitably - to the new James Bond film. The 22nd adventure starts shooting January 4th and will be released on November 7th next year.

Craig was careful not to reveal anything, but confirmed Bond won't get tortured and the stunts will be different ("there won't be a crane in this one") but stressed "it has to be secret".

"The sets are being built on the 008 Stage at Pinewood right now, and they're spectacular."


Thanks to `Gavin` & `Kirby Girl` for the alerts.

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