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Pierce Brosnan being sued by photographer for alleged scuffle

10-Dec-2007 • Actor News

The Los Angeles District Attorney's Office declined to charge actor Pierce Brosnan, but a photographer he allegedly scuffled with is still suing him - reports UPI.

The lawsuit seeks undisclosed damages for alleged assault and battery, and for negligence, TMZ.com reported Monday.

The claims stem from an Oct. 26 incident in which Brosnan allegedly "punched, hit, struck, and attacked" paparazzo Robert Rosen at a Malibu mall.

Rosen's lawyer described Brosnan as "out of control" in a statement and the court papers claim the incident is causing Rosen to "lose earnings in the future."

Brosnan's lawyer couldn't immediately be reached for comment, TMZ.com said.

Prosecutors announced last month that they had opted to drop the case against the former James Bond actor due to lack of evidence.

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