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Pierce Brosnan being sued by neighbour over water dispute

11-Jan-2008 • Actor News

A farmer neighbour of Pierce Brosnan is suing the former James Bond star for stealing her water - reports Contact Music.

Kauai, Hawaii farmer Cathy Ham Young claims the previous owner of Brosnan's estate on the island diverted water from the farm she owns - and the star has failed to replace a ditch, despite a judge's order to do so.

Young, 77, claims her vegetable crop has been ruined by draught and she is taking the 54-year-old star to the Hawaiian Supreme Court.

She says, "Pierce Brosnan stole my water. Because he's a millionaire movie star, he thought he could just move in and steal my water.

"He's even ignored a court ruling for him to put in a new ditch to restore the water supply to my farm. His lawyer told my lawyer: 'Pierce doesn't want to look at a ditch.'" But Brosnan's lawyer insists he isn't in the wrong: "Pierce has not been ordered to restore a ditch. A judge found that water goes through five different properties between Pierce's property and Cathy Young's property and that it's not Pierce's problem."

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