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Pierce Brosnan attends US court hearing to help protect dolphins in tuna labelling dispute

10-Apr-2003 • Bond News

Pierce Brosnan was in court in the USA this week when a federal judge said he would soon rule whether the Bush administration can alter the definition of dolphin-safe labels on cans of tuna sold in the United States.

Late last year the Commerce Department announced that tuna caught by fishermen encircling dolphins with nets may immediately be imported into the United States and bear the dolphin-safe label if observers certify that no dolphins were killed or seriously injured in the process. Environmentalists sued.

Under the old definition, defined by Congress in 1990, any tuna caught using dolphins as targets were automatically barred from bearing the consumer-friendly label on cans sold in the United States.

Environmentalists charged that the government failed to adequately address the stress to dolphins caused by chasing them with speedboats, encircling them in large nets and releasing them after they were caught with the tuna.

Pierce Brosnan attended the two-hour hearing in support of the old label.

"We are here for the dolphins. We`re here for the dolphin-safe label," said Brosnan, accompanied by wife, Keely Shaye Smith.

To qualify under the 1990 dolphin-safe standard, fisheries can use nets so long as dolphin are not chased or encircled. Catching tuna with lines and hooks is also acceptable.

The case is Earth Island Institute v. Evans, 03-0007.

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