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Eco captain blasts Bond for his choice of car

06-Feb-2008 • Bond News

The skipper of the planet's fastest eco-boat has hit out at producers of the forthcoming Bond movie for glamorising CO2-emitting gas-guzzlers. Pete Bethune auctioned off his home to fund the £1.5m Earthrace project to beat the round-the-world speed record by powerboat - reports The Sun

Earthrace is a 78ft wave-piercing boat that runs exclusively on biodiesel, has a net zero carbon footprint, and proves that being green does not mean skimping on performance or on looking cool. But Pete has criticised 007's producers for chosing the Aston Martin DBS as the agent's car of choice.

The car, which will feature in upcoming movie Quantum of Solace is a variation of the DB9, which was ranked among the top 10 worst performers in last year's Environmental Transport Association's Car Buyer's Guide.

Pete said: “It’s about time movie producers started acting responsibly. James Bond is an iconic figure, a role model seen as the height of cool. The Bond movies provide an ideal platform to raise awareness of these new green technologies, and it is irresponsible for movie makers to completely neglect this. Whilst the planet is irreparably damaged, audiences across the globe are being taught not to care. We all have a duty to use every possible method at our disposal to limit our effect on the planet – James Bond included.”

Earthrace is run as a not-for-profit venture, with a boat, ground and London HQ crew made up of international volunteers.

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