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Italian military jet confirmed for action against 007 in `Quantum of Solace`

01-Mar-2008 • Quantum Of Solace

Following a tip from MI6 about a jet being used in the 22nd James Bond film "Quantum of Solace", Daily Bulletin columnist David Allen ventured to the Chino Airport on Tuesday to track down Hinton. Steve Hinton.

Hinton, located on the tarmac outside the Planes of Fame Museum, told Allen he did indeed fly a jet for "Quantum of Solace," the next Bond adventure.

He spent three weeks in Mexico, returning Feb. 15, for the film shoot in which he flew a Marchetti, an Italian military trainer jet, outfitted with machine guns.

"I'm the typical bad guy, trying to shoot down James Bond, who's flying in another airplane," Hinton said with a smile.

The small jet was nearby, its coating of black wax being washed off as we spoke before its return to its owner.

Hinton was sworn to secrecy about the "Quantum" production other than "the plot picks up right after Casino Royale. Which I thought was the best one"

Thanks to `David` for the alert.

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