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The Imperial War Museum host free screenings as part of Centenary celebrations

14-Apr-2008 • Event

As part of the Ian Fleming Centenary this April, The Imperial War Museum will be screening the following James Bond films for free to the public:

Dr No (1962)
3 and 5 May, 2pm
The first film in the Bond series. 007 is sent to Jamaica to investigate the mysterious disappearance of another British agent. The rest, as they say, is history.

From Russia With Love (1963)
24, 25 and 26 May, 2pm
The second film in the series, Bond is in Russia trying to stay alive while an international crime organisation develops a plan to kill him and steal a coding machine.

Goldfinger (1964)
31 May and 1 June, 2pm
James Bond’s third adventure on the big screen involves an international gold smuggler, Fort Knox and a lethal bowler hat.

Thanks to `VS` for the alert.

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