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Commander Ken Wallis to give Little Nellie lecture in Cosford, 28th May

09-May-2008 • Event

Kenneth Wallis, creator of the famous autogyro used in the James Bond film, ‘You Only Live Twice’ will be holding an exclusive talk at the Royal Air Force Museum Cosford on 28th May 2008 as part of the Museum’s Half Term Spy Week.

He will be bringing with him autogyro XR944, one of the 3 autogyros built for evaluation by the Army in the1960’s as aerial reconnaissance platforms. His autogyro will be on display in the Museum’s National Cold War Exhibition for one day only.

Mr Wallis, a wartime pilot, who flew Wellington Bombers and Westland Lysander aircraft which transported secret agents into France during WWII, has held 34 World Records for flying autogyros.

This real life “Q” will be holding question and answer sessions throughout the day with visitors. He will be speaking about his amazing life experiences and how his autogyros made it onto the big screen.

Other family activities taking place during Spy Week (26th – 30th May 2008) include a Secret Spy Trail around the National Cold War Exhibition. Your mission is to complete the trail answering as many questions as possible. Crack the code to discover the name of the secret spy.

Thanks to `Erica Ambler` for the alert.

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