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Halle Berry `Jinxed`? She has broken her arm on the set of her latest movie

16-May-2003 • Actor News

Yahoo News have reported that Halle Berry has broken her arm on the Montreal set of her upcoming film, "Gothika," but will be back on the job next week, a Warner Bros. spokesman said.

Berry, 36, fractured the ulna, the major bone between the wrist and elbow, in her right arm as she performed one of the psychological horror film`s "more physically demanding" scenes, Warner Bros. publicist Joe Everett said from the film`s Montreal production offices on Thursday.

The actress was transported from the Canadian soundstage by paramedics to a local hospital, where she was treated and released Everett said.

Berry remains in Montreal, "resting as comfortably as one can rest after breaking" a limb, the publicist noted.

Last year, she took some debris or dust, depending on the account, in the left eye during a stunt sequence for Die Another Day. The injury proved not serious, and Berry completed her role as the aptly named Jinx.

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