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Sir Sean Connery`s fury at former wife`s claim

22-Jul-2008 • Actor News

Shaken that his former wife Diane Cilento should have dragged their son, Jason, into her increasingly acrimonious feud with him, Sir Sean Connery has told The Telegraph that she is an “insane woman” who is prepared to “stoop to the level of the gutter” in her attempts to tarnish his reputation.

“I haven’t seen the woman in 37 years and she knows nothing about me or my life now,” says Sir Sean who has been married for the past 33 years to his French wife Micheline.

“Diane can’t move on from the break up of our marriage and I have already had to contend with her accusations about me being violent towards her. Now the lies seem to be getting even more vicious, and, what is worse, she is dragging our son into it.

“I have just come off the phone to Jason and I know he will be making his own statement but I never told him I wasn’t going to leave him a penny in my will or that I said he only had the career he has as an actor and director because of his family name. He happens to have talent of his own.

I saw him in Scotland only last year and we speak constantly on the phone. As for being mean to him when he was a lad, I sent him to Millfield, which is Britain’s most expensive public school, and I sent him after that to Gordonstoun when it became clear to me that Millfield was rubbish.

Long before I divorced Diane, I actually set up a trust fund worth £85,000 for his education and the education of Diane’s daughter which of course would be worth a lot more today. I did everything any father could reasonably be expected to do.

“It seems to me a shame that whatever garbage Diane comes out with about me is reported as the gospel truth, but of course a lot of people have their own agenda about me because of my support for the SNP.”

Miss Cilento, 74, gave an insight into her feelings for Sir Sean, 77, when she said in an interview: “I do feel there’s unfinished business between us. I loved the old Sean, I still do.

Sometimes when I see him today on some talk show, I catch a fleeting glimpse of my old love in the turn of his head or a well-remembered phrase, and it still makes my heart turn over.”

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