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`House arrest` at the Connery residence in New York City

26-Jul-2008 • Actor News

Sean Connery's family nemesis - his neighbor "Dr. No" - was at it again yesterday, reports the NYPost.

Dr. Burton Sultan called the cops on construction workers doing more renovations on the East 71st Street townhouse he shares with the James Bond portrayer's son, saying they were working illegally.

"My daughter woke up this morning and saw a man climbing past her window on a ladder. They are not allowed to do that," said Sultan, who has battled with the Connerys in suits and counter-suits for years to stop the renovation work that began in 2001.

Police told the workers to stop, but the Buildings Department did not issue any violations and noted that the permits were all in order.

Five complaints have been filed against the upstairs renovations so far this year, resulting in one minor violation, according to Buildings Department records.

Sultan, an ophthalmologist, says the constant work is meant to drive his family out of the six-story Tudor-style townhouse, a city landmark built in 1869.

The Sultans occupy the first four floors, with the Connerys living above since 1998.

"He just wants us out. He can have any building he wants. Why does he want to take our house from us? He's got all the money in the world," he said.

He has repeatedly said all the construction is a plot to drive his family out so the Connerys can purchase their share of the building on the cheap.

Connery had filed six lawsuits of his own against Sultan - with one of them seeking $30 million in damages - saying his neighbor has been unreasonable and is driving up his repair costs.

Last year, a judge ordered them to stop suing each other, and dismissed the 10 pending lawsuits.

Connery spokeswoman Nancy Seltzer said that the building belonged to the actor's son Stephane and that she knew nothing of the incident.

But Sultan insists that Connery himself was staying there earlier in the week and that his son has moved to Westchester to raise his three young children.

A housekeeper who answered the door at the Connery entrance said no one was available for comment.

"It's a total b.s. call," one worker complained after the cops arrived.

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