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George Lazenby accuses Pam Shriver of relying on drugs

22-Aug-2008 • Actor News

Former James Bond actor George Lazenby has accused his estranged wife Pam Shriver of taking a "nightly cocktail" of prescription painkillers and driving their children while in a drug-induced "state" - reports The Telegraph.

Mr Lazenby, who is seeking joint custody of his son and two daughters, also said the ex-tennis champion had been violent towards him and could not cope with caring for all three children at once.

He made the accusations in response to Miss Shriver's own claims that he is an abusive alcoholic who once gave their toddlers beer and even threatened to kill her.

The bitter public dispute started two weeks ago after Miss Shriver, 46, a former Wimbledon doubles champion, filed for divorce citing "irreconcilable differences".

Mr Lazenby, who starred as 007 only once in the 1969 film On Her Majesty's Secret Service, laid down his allegations against her in papers submitted to a Los Angeles court.

He said: "I have great concerns about Petitioner's habitual consumption of prescription painkillers, Ambien sleeping pills and rum or vodka each night and during the day.

"When I have expressed my grave concern to Petitioner about her combining Ambien with alcohol, she flew into a rage and attempted to justify her addiction by claiming she has debilitating migraines and shoulder pain.

"I have observed Petitioner wake up on many mornings in a stupor from her nightly cocktail.

"Petitioner is in no condition to drive in the morning. I have seen Petitioner be drowsy and dizzy, with difficulties in coordination.

"I have warned Petitioner on numerous occasions to refrain from transporting our children in the car when she is in such a state.

"Petitioner has confessed to me that she has memory blackouts."

Mr Lazenby also questions Miss Shriver's parenting skills and claims she relies on a team of nannies to look after son Georgie, four, and two-year-old twins Katie and Sammy.

He said: "Petitioner has rarely been alone with our children, and when she is alone with them she is constantly checking her Blackberry.

"Petitioner has never been without the help of her nannies. She cannot tolerate the presence of all three children at once.

"She does not know how to handle them and is easily irritated and annoyed by them."

Mr Lazenby, 68, said that on one occasion he noticed "deep fingernail marks" on Georgie's right thigh and claims Miss Shriver admitted she pinched the boy's leg when he would not behave.

And the Australian-born actor strongly refutes his wife's allegations that he was aggressive with the children and violent toward her.

Instead he claims she was the violent one, and cites one alleged incident when she was five months pregnant with their twins.

He said that after he made a joke about her needing to move faster during a round of golf, Miss Shriver hurled a golf club at him, which narrowly missed his head.

Mr Lazenby also denies Miss Shriver's accusation that he is anti-Semitic, and claims she said it in an attempt to "smear" him in the press.

The custody dispute will go before a Los Angeles Superior Court on August 25.

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