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UK TV - `Bond: The South Bank Show` on ITV1, Wednesday night

21-Oct-2008 • Media Alert

Show: Bond: The South Bank Show"
Channel: ITV1 (UK)
Date: Wednesday 22nd October 2008
Time: 22:40 - 23:40

When a strapping Daniel Craig rose from the sea in Casino Royale in a fetching pair of blue swimming trunks, he left an awful lot of critics wiping the crumbs of humble pie from their lips. It was a sensational image and one that silenced everyone who'd ever doubted he'd make a terrific James Bond. In a cheerful interview with Melvyn Bragg, Craig guffaws at the fuss caused by his dripping torso: "I had no idea I'd be haunted by it for the rest of my life." Craig is candid as he discusses his doubts about taking on the role - "I thought it was a very nice joke . . . it just wasn't on the cards" - and his ideas for a new, energetic and very physical Bond. This South Bank Show special is packed with clips from the latest Bond fi lm, Quantum of Solace, and Bragg also speaks to the fi rst screen 007, Sean Connery, who reveals that Ian Fleming didn't much care for him. "He said I was an 'over-developed stuntman'," says Connery.

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