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Olga Kurylenko - I need a man to shake and stir me

29-Oct-2008 • Actor News

The story of new Bond girl Olga Kurylenko would not look out of place as a 007 movie subplot - reports The Sun.

After a tough start to life in the USSR she fled to France to become a model, then a film star, and has divroced twice in four years — and she’s done it all by the age of 28.

But Olga, who stars as mysterious Camille in new Bond movie Quantum Of Solace, reckons she does not regret a thing.

In an exclusive interview with The Sun the actress, who hasn’t got a boyfriend, says: “I have not been scarred by my two divorces. The important thing is that I loved them — and you cannot regret loving.”

Olga wed French fashion photographer Cedric Van Mol in 1999, aged just 19, but the marriage lasted only four years.

In 2006 she married American mobile phone entrepreneur Damian Gabrielle but they split last year, just before Olga landed her role opposite 007 Daniel Craig.

And she has good news for blokes everywhere — she is still up for falling in love.

Divorce is nothing unusual to Olga — her mother Marina split from her father Konstantin soon after her birth — and she says: “I am glad to have spent a part of my life with my two ex-husbands. If I had to go back I would do it again.

“My divorces were not a sad experience. It’s just communication.

“People who surround us in our life exchange more and more experiences with us. I learned I had differences from them and they were different people from me.

“My ex-husbands were different nationalities but were both very interesting people. I don’t see divorce as a failure. I see it as the end to a story.

“In a story, everything has an end and a beginning. We were born and we die.

“In between I think we try to live as best we can.

“It’s the same with a marriage. Maybe when the story starts, we know it is going to end.

“Those people who are together when they are 100 years old, even they know it will end.”

In Quantum Of Solace — the follow-up to Casino Royale, out on Friday — Olga’s character Camille joins Daniel Craig’s Bond in a quest for revenge.

The secret agent meets Camille in Bolivia while trying to track down leaders of an organisation that has infiltrated Britain’s secret services.

Camille is seeking vengeance against a Bolivian general who killed her family. Olga’s character has scars all over her back as a result of the general’s crimes.

Olga did well to avoid picking up real-life scars during the gruelling filming — particularly in the dramatic finale, where Bond and Camille are trapped in an inferno.

Olga, who now calls Ukraine home, says: “We had anti-fire gel all over us to stop us getting burned. When we stepped into that room it felt like we could burn any minute — but I wasn’t so scared of that.

“I don’t have a phobia of fire. I am more scared of heights. Me and Daniel were really focused. It’s a special scene where Camille goes back to being a child. Suddenly we see this vulnerability.”

Olga grew up in poverty in Berdyansk, sharing a flat with her mother, aunt, uncle, grandparents and cousins. Her life changed at the age of 13 when she was spotted by a modelling agent in Moscow.

When she was 16 she was packed off to Paris, picked up the language in just six months and was soon appearing on the covers of top magazines such as Vogue, Marie Claire, Glamour and Elle. Later she moved into movies, making her debut in 2005. Recently, topless photos from Olga’s modelling career have resurfaced — along with steamy stills from her films Paris, I Love You and The Serpent.

But Olga doesn’t understand what all the fuss is about. She says: “There are no actresses who haven’t appeared naked. These things are not unusual.

“All the magazine pictures are artistic. I didn’t do any pornography. It was all done in silhouette. It was advertising stuff.

“It’s something I have done but it’s not what I enjoy doing. It was part of the job.

“I always have respect towards people and I do everything with love and respect. There are much graver things in the world to worry about.”

With two successful American action movies behind her — Hitman and Max Payne — and Quantum Of Solace certain to be a worldwide smash, Olga is focusing on her film work.

She says: “I haven’t been modelling for a few years now. I don’t have to. Movies are my passion.”

Quantum Of Solace has wider political undertones than a lot of its Bond predecessors. In the plot baddie Dominic Greene — played by Mathieu Amalric — is trying to get his hands on a precious natural resource in Bolivia.

Greene has agreed to organise a coup in the South American country in exchange for a large plot of desert. The US secret services support him because they want a regime change. This side-plot clearly questions the involvement of the CIA in foreign countries.

Olga is uncomfortable discussing such politics, particularly when considering Russia’s influence over her home nation Ukraine.

She says: “It’s complicated — what Greene is trying to do is just part of a movie. He is evil and it’s good to show.

“Politics is a different subject. I watch it as an audience does. I don’t want to judge.

“But I hope everybody is going to be friends. No wars please. I hope we are not going to have a major mess.”

When Olga visited Russia and Ukraine to promote Quantum Of Solace both nations claimed her as one of their own.

She recalls: “They were really nice and really happy about me being in the film.

“Both Russia and Ukraine felt I was from there. Of course, when I grew up, Ukraine was part of the USSR. Suddenly I have so many countries.

“We have all got to be friends. Nationalities have travelled from one republic to another. There shouldn’t be any stupid racism.”

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