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James Bond and OddJob splash around to promote National Drink Water Day in the UK (photos)

06-Jun-2003 • Event

Wednesday 4th June 2003 was "National Drink Water Day" in the UK, and who better than James Bond and Odd Job splashing around in a paddling pool to grab the media spotlight!

Various "look a likes" attended the launch of the campaign in Trafalgar Square, London, to encourage people to drink more water - and to highlight the benefits it brings to health and well-being.

Pierce Brosnan look-a-like Douglas James attended in an Aston Martin DB5, along with Ian U`Chong as Oddjob.

The National Kidney Research Fund were asking people across the UK to substitute their normal preferred beverage for a plain old glass of water in celebration of the second ever National Drink Water Day.

Thanks to lookalikes.tv for the pictures

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