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`Quantum` director Marc Forster to helm Zombie flick

22-Nov-2008 • Bond News

Zombie movie fans grab your favorite recipe for fake blood and prepare to rejoice. Max Brooks World War Z is heading into production. I commented on how great a movie this novel would make back in my Six horrific Books column last month. Brad Pitt's Plan B production company owns the film rights to WWZ, and they think they may have found their man to helm the next global zombie apocalypse - reports The Examiner.

Hot off of the Bond Franchise's best weekend ever, (70 million dollars baby - the next Bond movie down only brought in 47 million opening weekend) Director Marc Forster now has the clout and the action direction chops necessary to tackle what may very well be the biggest zombie flick ever produced.

Forster told Daily Variety "The genre always fascinated me, and when they pitched it to me, it reminded me of the paranoid conspiracy films of the '70s like All The President's Men...”

J. Michael Straczynski is handling the screenplay adaptation. Those familiar with the structure of the novel know that the story is told in flashback interviews. There's no telling yet which pieces of the oral history of the Zombie War will actually make it into the film.

No shooting schedule has been released just yet.

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