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Sir Sean Connery pledges to stop HBOS banking merger

08-Dec-2008 • Actor News

The campaign group mounting a last-minute legal challenge to the merger between HBOS and Lloyds TSB has won the support of the veteran Scottish actor Sir Sean Connery. He has sent a personal message to the Merger Action Group which is today taking the deal to the Competition Appeal Tribunal, saying he does not believe the merger is in the best interests of Scotland or HBOS - reports The Guardian.

The group said last night it welcomed the backing of the Oscar winner, who is also a supporter of the Scottish National party. "We have been greatly encouraged by the backing we have received from such a cross-section of the Scottish public," from employees and customers of HBOS, to leading businessmen and politicians," a spokesman, Malcolm Fraser, said.

"Sir Sean's message of support adds to that groundswell of opinion that the government should not have pushed through this merger without reference to the proper legal framework."

MAG, which claims to represent more than 500 shareholders, account holders, businesses and politicians, argues that the government's decision to allow the merger to go ahead without referring it to the Competition Commission is unlawful.

The case is being heard in London, but will be conducted under Scottish law.

An HBOS spokesman, Shane O'Riordain, said he was confident the appeal would fail. "It is time that people stopped using HBOS as a plaything," he said.

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