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Daniel Craig reportedly leaves Jonathan Ross shaken and stirred

10-Jan-2009 • Actor News

Jonathan Ross may be keen to trumpet his return to the BBC next week, but The Telegraph hears that senior figures at the corporation are beginning to panic at the number of rejections he is receiving from stars he has asked to appear on his chat show.

The paper's Mandrake columnist discloses that Daniel Craig, who is promoting his Second World War film "Defiance", was invited to be the big-name guest on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, but refused because of his revulsion at the presenter's "humiliating" behaviour.

The James Bond actor was quizzed by Ross last year. "He came away quite angry from that interview," says Lizzie Cundy, who presents the programme ITV at the Movies, on which Craig has agreed to appear.

"I think he felt it made him look foolish. A lot of stars are saying that Ross does not treat them with respect when they come on his show. They are used to make Ross look good rather than talk about themselves."

Last week, the BBC announced the line-up for Ross's first show after his three-month suspension without pay for leaving obscene messages on the answerphone of Andrew Sachs, the 78-year-old actor.

Despite paying Ross £18 million over three years, BBC executives have had to resort to offering guests money to appear on his show.

"It is usual with these types of shows that a fee is paid," says a spokesman for the corporation, who declines to comment on suggestions that it has doubled the fee in its desperation.

Tom Cruse, Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio have all reportedly turned the show down in recent days.

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