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`Quantum` sends expecting mother in to premature labour

16-Feb-2009 • Bond News

A mother told today how she and her baby were saved by York Hospital – after she had been sent into premature labour by James Bond - reports The Press.

Baby Jonathan James Allright decided to come into the world two months early, only hours after his mother Becky had seen the latest Bond movie Quantum Of Solace.

Becky, 35, of Rawcliffe, said the only explanation she can think of for his early arrival was the noise from the film, which was full of explosions and gunfire, and that was why Jonathan had been given his middle name.

Becky said: “We have always liked James Bond and going to see the film at City Screen was a nice treat. I think Daniel Craig is nice looking.

“The film, Quantum Of Solace, was good – there were quite a lot of car chases which were quite noisy.

“I couldn’t get comfortable in my seat. I thought it might be the baby changing position.”

She said when she arrived at the hospital, the baby was in breech position, with no time to re-position him, and Becky was whisked into the operating theatre for him to be delivered by emergency caesarean section.

The procedure appeared to go well, and Jonathan, weighing only 4lbs and needing a little oxygen, was taken to the Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) Then doctors noticed Becky’s blood pressure was dropping sharply and, fearing an internal haemorrhage, took her straight back to theatre for another operation.

She said: “It was a bit like ER. The doctor pushed a button and suddenly all these people appeared. It was a bit frightening, but they all knew what they were doing, which was comforting.”

The surgery confirmed doctors’ worst fears, and Becky had to be transfused six pints of blood. “My husband, Steve, and my family were beside themselves. My mum rang the church which I attend, St Paul’s in Holgate, and the whole congregation was praying for us.”

Becky came home after ten days, with Jonathan spending three-and-a-half weeks in the SCBU before being allowed home. Now three months’ old, he and his mother are both in good health.

Becky, who works for North Yorkshire Social Services, wants to thank the hospital for its work by organising a clothes swap party to raise funds for SCBU.

The event takes place at St Paul’s Church from noon on Saturday.

“The idea is to bring a couple of decent items you are prepared to part with, have a glass of bubbly and some nibbles, pay £5, then pick out any items you’d like to take home.”

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