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Sean Connery still the sexiest man alive, according to a recent survey

12-Jul-2003 • Actor News

Sean Connery, the original James Bond and current Extraordinary Gentleman is still by far the object of many women`s desires, according to a recent poll conducted by Date.com, a leading online dating site. Date.com posed the question: "It`s summertime and the probability of you getting stranded on a desert island has increased right along with your darkening tan lines. Which celebrity would you like to be watching the sun set with?"

Women were asked to pick from: Ashton Kutcher, Johnny Depp, Donald Rumsfeld, Will Smith or Sean Connery.

The overwhelming winner among women was Sean Connery, garnering 32 percent of the votes. Johnny Depp was a close second with 25 percent of women opting for his company. Will Smith and Ashton Kutcher ranked in at 18 percent and 21 percent, respectively.

"The Date.com results prove that with women, classics are always in style," said Brenda Ross, relationship advisor for Date.com.

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