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Roger Moore urges global action against child exploitation

02-Jun-2009 • Actor News

Former James Bond star Roger Moore lashed out on Tuesday against the sexual exploitation of children, urging those who abuse minors to be pursued across national borders - reports AFP.

Speaking at the publication of a new UNICEF report on the sexual abuse of children, Moore said: "Childhood is being destroyed by sexual abuse, violence and neglect. We must stop it. If we do nothing, our silence would mean acceptance."

The 81-year-old British actor, a longtime UNICEF ambassador, added: "I can hardly imagine a more shameful violation of the rights of children as the deliberate exploitation of their bodies by unscrupulous adults to serve their sexual appetite."

"They destroy the childhood of their victims and do harm to them that lasts throughout their lives."

He called for better cooperation between police forces, public prosecutors and the business sector.

"Perpetrators must be followed across borders," he urged.

The UNICEF report quoted data from a 2006 World Health Organization (WHO) document estimating that as many as 150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 are "every year forced into sex".

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