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Sir Sean Connery leaves a voice message for one of his fans

05-Jun-2009 • Actor News

It was the type of call that would have left anyone shaken and stirred, says The Scotsman.

A James Bond fan who lives just yards from where Sir Sean Connery was born came in from the garden to find a message from the 78-year-old screen legend on his answerphone.

Alastair Donoghue, 39, a self-employed marketing manager had sent a tartan tie to Sir Sean's home in the Bahamas in March, with a letter asking for Sir Sean's help with a radio phone-in that offers £20,000 to listeners who can get the best celebrity to call the show. However, after three months had gone he had forgotten all about it, until he checked his phone last Sunday and heard that unmistakable voice.

"Hello this is Sean Connery calling," said the recording.

"Your stuff arrived but I don't know when because there is no scheduling with the times of the mail here and I just got back and it was here.

"There is no way to regulate this so sorry the date and time has expired but they just pile up and now it's pot luck if it comes on time or not. Anyway, thank you for the inquiry.

"I don't know quite what to do with the tie because I already have mine. Anyway, bye just now."

The following morning, Mr Donoghue, who lives on Dundee Street, Fountainbridge, was live on air on the Christian O'Connell Breakfast Show on Absolute Radio. Although the deadline had passed and the money had already been awarded to a fan who set up a phone call with The Fonz – Happy Days star Henry Winkler – the radio show was still delighted to hear that Sir Sean had returned Alastair's call.

Alastair said: "I couldn't believe I missed a chance to chat to Sean Connery because I was out in the garden. I'm not even that keen on gardening. At first I thought it was my brother winding me up, but as I listened again I thought it sounded too authentic.

"By coincidence, there was an old Sean Connery movie, The Anderson Tapes, on television the following day so I watched that and replayed the message to be doubly sure. He also mentioned the tie I'd sent him, which I hadn't told anyone about so I was sure it was him.

"I tried dialling 1471 to call him back but there was a message saying that no number had been recorded. I was gutted. I'm big Sean Connery fan and it would have been great to talk to him, especially living on Fountainbridge where he grew up."

A spokeswoman for Sir Sean confirmed that the message had indeed been genuine, and that the James Bond star had called Mr Donoghue back as an "act of kindness" to apologise for missing the deadline.

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