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Sean Connery and his trained Great Danes

23-Jun-2009 • Actor News

“You think Sean Connery is a movie star, I happen to know he is a great dog trainer", writers Sharon Sakson for Examiner.

My friend, Niki Lightbourne, was born and raised in the Bahamas. She came to New Jersey to get a business degree at Rutgers University. She’s stayed on to start her own business.

“My summer job was working for UPS,” she said. “I worked in the office. But when packages came in for important clients, they asked us to drive them out, instead of the usual deliverymen.”

On this day, a rosewood easel came in for Connery’s wife, Michelle. The boss asked Niki to take it out to his home. The Connerys live in the Bahamas year round.

Niki admitted, “He is the one movie star I’m truly starstruck about. So I was happy to do it.”

She knocked, and a distracted maid opened the door. “Come in, I’ve got something on in the kitchen,” the maid said, and hurried out of sight.

As Niki stood in the foyer, she heard menacing growls above her head. Looking up, she saw two giant Great Danes standing at the top of the stairs. They started barking and came dashing down. “I was scared to death!” Niki said. “I thought, ‘they’re going to kill me!’ That’s how vicious they seemed.”

Just as the canines approached her, a loud and familiar voice rang out. “Down and stay!”

Instantly, the two mammoths hit the floor, just inches from her feet. They looked attentively through the door to a den at their master. “I said, ‘lie down,’” the voice said. The monsters lowered their heads until their chins were on the ground.

Niki said, “I could hardly breathe. But those dogs stayed completely still. Then, Sean Connery came into the hall. He said, ‘Can I help you?’”

Niki explained about the delicate rosewood easel and how she had driven out to deliver it to his wife. “She’s out shopping,” said Connery. “But that’s okay. I’ll sign for it. I know she’s been waiting for it.”

Niki was still looking down at the dogs. She was afraid to move. “They’re good boys,” Connery said. “A bit rambunctious, that’s all. But they mind well.”

Niki nodded and handed him the package. The two dogs kept their eyes focused on Connery, ignoring her. “They were dark bluish grey,” she said. “Their heads were enormous.”

As she left, she heard Connery say, “Come in here, boys.” The two dogs padded into his study and out of sight.

Any dog owner knows that kind of attention and obedience is hard to achieve. It takes constant practice, not just once a day, but continually. Sean Connery had trained guard dogs very well to protect him and his family. But they weren’t vicious. They obeyed him. They were doing a job.

That’s very impressive. Movie fans have always admired Sean Connery. Now, dog owners have a reason to admire him, too.

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