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Sir Paul McCartney tries to clear up `Live And Let Die` lyrics mystery

16-Aug-2009 • Bond News

Sir Paul McCartney was recently interviewed by the Washington Post, and a question came up that has been bugging James Bond fans for years: What exactly is McCartney's maddening lyric in "Live and Let Die"? Is it, "In this ever-changing world in which we live in"? Or "in which we're living"?

McCartney considers and seems genuinely puzzled. "Yeah, good question," he says. "It's kind of ambivalent, isn't it? . . . Um . . . I think it's 'in which we're living.'"

He starts to sing to himself: "In this ever changing world. . . . ' It's funny. There's too many 'ins.' I'm not sure. I'd have to have actually look. I don't think about the lyric when I sing it. I think it's 'in which we're living.' 'In which we're living.' Or it could be 'in which we live in.' And that's kind of, sort of, wronger but cuter. That's kind of interesting. 'In which we live in.' In which we live in! I think it's 'In which we're living.' "

A fan blog has provided some clarification. The published sheet music reads, “But if this ever changing world in which we live in / makes you give in and cry / say live and let die.”

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