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Daniel Craig`s Broadway rehearsals move to secret location

06-Sep-2009 • Actor News

Where will the autograph hounds head first, as a wave of Hollywood names are set to appear in Broadway productions, asks the NY Post? Probably "A Steady Rain," which starts previews Sept. 10.

While it won raves in Chicago even before Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig joined the party, playwright Keith Huff has yet to quit his day job.

"My human resources department's been very supportive," says Huff, who manages a Web site for orthopedic surgeons. "They said, 'See how it goes.' "

Seeing as it's the hottest ticket this fall, it should go well. Yet when Huff was told Craig was interested in the play and would call him, he made the mistake of telling friends - who prank-called him, pretending to be Bond, James Bond.

And so, when the actor called and said, "This is Daniel Craig," the playwright said, "It is not!"

But yes, it was. Then Jackman signed on, and Huff found himself living a playwright's dream.

He calls his play - about two Chicago cops telling vying stories about a bust gone bad - "a comedy and a tragedy, all at once." Better still: "They're both onstage all the time, for the play's entire 90 minutes. I don't think I'll get any complaints about that!" (Not from us, he won't.)

From what he's seen of their rehearsals at a "top-secret" location ("If I told you where it was," Huff quips, "my life would be in danger!"), the two have a Paul Newman-Robert Redford kind of camaraderie, and an easy rapport.

"[Director] John Crowley brought a pingpong table into the rehearsal room, so they're either playing pingpong or throwing a baseball in the parking lot."

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