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Bond girl Rachel Grant launches breast cancer campaign

13-Sep-2009 • Actor News

Bond Girl Rachel Grant showed off her daredevil side when she made a splash to launch a breast cancer awareness campaign.

The "Die Another Day" star joined a group of cancer survivors at Thorpe Park theme park in Surrey to rally people to sign up to Cancer Research UK's "Join the fight for women's survival" fundraising programme.

Grant, originally from Acton in west London, starred with Pierce Brosnan in the 007 blockbuster Die Another Day as Peacful Fountains of Desire.

She and the other four women wore T-shirts with the campaign's new pink camouflage-style ribbon as they climbed aboard the Logger's Leap ride.

The ribbon symbolises the role the charity's scientists play on the frontline in the battle against breast cancer, which affects more than 45,000 women each year in the UK.

Grant, who will appear on screen with Robert Carlyle in a movie called The Tournament later this year, also showed off a rubber duck, designed by fellow actress Dame Judi Dench, available in Cancer Research UK shops.

Grant said: "My grandmother was treated for breast cancer twice - she checked herself regularly and found a tiny lump.

"She used the soapsuds in her bath to check herself, a routine I now follow too.

"Thankfully my grandmother survived but too often women aren't as lucky as she was.

"I'd encourage everyone to get busy and organise a 'pink' event during breast cancer awareness month and help Cancer Research UK continue its lifesaving work."

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