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MI5 searches for female spooks

27-Sep-2009 • Bond News

Female James Bond fans are being urged to apply to become real-life spooks...but only if they can read maps - reports the Daily Star.

The security services are desperately short of women to carry out surveillance operations on the 2,000 terror suspects being monitored up and down the country.

Watching just one suspect for 24 hours is a hugely complex operation and can involve up to 80 people.

Now the shortage is so severe that MI5 has taken the unusual step of specifically appealing for women to apply for £25,000-a-year mobile surveillance officer roles.

But the spy agency wants to hear only from “competent and careful” drivers who are “capable of using A-Z and Philips Road maps”.

The advert posted on the MI5 website reads: “Surveillance plays a vitally important role within the Security Service and is a key investigative resource.

“Mobile surveillance officers follow targets of national security investigations.

“It is all about observing the people or places, either on foot or by vehicle.

“Due to operational requirements, we particularly welcome applications from women and ethnic minorities.”

It says the type of people being recruited must be highly observant with a “flair for thinking on your feet” and an ability to operate specialist equipment.

The ad also warns applicants they must first pass a 75-day course to test their physical and mental strength.

MI5 also wants to recruit psychologists, electrical technicians, language specialists, computer experts and behavioural scientists.

Details are available by logging on to MI5’s website mi5careers.gov.uk

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