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Young film making talent comes to Pinewood

29-Sep-2009 • Bond News

A group of talented young film makers have been taken on board by Pinewood Studios as part of a new training programme - reports the Buckinghamshire Adverstiser.

The world famous site in Iver Heath has announced the winners of a new nationwide initiative that took place this summer to find some of the best young film talent in the country.

Almost 600 applications from across the UK were received, but there were only five places available.
These have gone to Timothy Siddall, Luke Gentry, Fern Calao, Brenainn Jordan and Andrew Edwards, who will work in sections of the industry including sound recording, motion capture and sound editing.

During the year long programme, each trainee will receive on the job training, shadowing opportunities and production based training.

They will work with host companies and will develop up to date skills, contacts and improved knowledge of how to to pursue a career in the film industry.

Chris Chandler, of Screen South, which helped to organise the scheme, said: "This is an amazing opportunity for all those involved, for Pinewood and for the industry as a whole.

"We are delighted to have been able to help set up this inaugural year-long training programme and are looking forward to the outcome."

Andrew Smith, group director of corporate affairs for the Pinewood Studios group, said: "Pinewood are delighted to be part of such an important training scheme, the expertise of the British film industry is world renowned and we need to ensure that continues.
"We look forward to shaping individual development whilst maintaining the skills base that makes the UK such an attractive destination for film makers."

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