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Sir Sean Connery slams political row as petty squabling

07-Dec-2009 • Actor News

Sir Sean Connery yesterday slammed the "petty squabbling" over the sacking of Fiona Hyslop as Education Secretary - reports The Sun.

The Bond legend, a high-profile supporter of the SNP, said Holyrood should be pulling together to fight the economic crisis.

He said: "Instead of uniting for this stupid recession where we see things disintegrating, everyone is squabbling.

"Fiona Hyslop had to go. That is a reshuffle. That is normal procedure. But the thing got so petty.

"This is instead of getting behind anything that is going to allow people to be optimistic. It is depressing."

Ms Hyslop's demotion to culture minister was dominated by a row over the SNP's vow to cut primary school class sizes.

Opponents demanded an explanation from Alex Salmond, when it emerged an adviser said in 2007 that their pledge for primaries one to three could not happen in a single parliament term.

Mr Salmond told Holyrood later in 2007 that it would be achieved.

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