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Tabloids spin bogus rumour of Bond 23 to be released in 3D

12-Jan-2010 • Skyfall

Never ones to let a news vacuum go unfilled, UK tabloid The Sun is today claiming that the next James Bond film (AKA Bond 23) will be made for 3D. The paper claims this explains the delay in production.

But back in reality, Bond 23 pre-production was put on ice between October 2009 and February 2010 due to the uncertainty of MGM's future. A director has also yet to be signed, but again, this delay is likely due to contractual triggers with MGM. Sam Mendes is in talks to board as a 'consultant'. The studio is accepting bids this month. The result of any deal could lead to 007 breaking free from the cash-strapped lion and heading to a new studio.

An anonymous 'source' told The Sun: "The 23rd Bond movie has been put back a few months and that has given them the time to prepare to film it in 3D. Everyone involved in the project is really excited because it will take the franchise in a new direction."

The producers were asked about the potential for Bond in 3D in the February issue of Total Film magazine. When asked, 'can you foresee a time when Bond might go 3D?', producer Barbara Broccoli said, "The Avatar trailer looks fantastic and I'm excited to see the movie. You know what, directors like Cameron, they're fantastic because they get everybody excited about movies. We've always said that the better the competition, the better for us, because all we hope for is that people keep going to the cinema and that movies keep breaking barriers and becoming more and more exciting. We couldn't ask for anything more."

Thanks to `bondaholic_007` for the alert.

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