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Scientists search for Sean Connery look-alike

23-Jan-2010 • Actor News

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) said Sir Sean who turns 80 this summer, was internationally admired for his undimmed appeal in old age.

It is aiming to find another ''equally imposing gentlemen who should share the octogenarian limelight''.

The aim is to show the importance of British scientific research and development, currently threatened by December's £600 million science-funding cuts, in improving the health and fitness of the nation, the RSC said.

''It is essential that research continues into many conditions that are part of the nation's health horizon, so the cuts in research funding are potentially damaging to the UK's ability to address diseases of all kinds, including those that afflict the oldest in the community,'' a spokesman said.

The reward for the man whose looks are judged to be the equal of Sir Sean's will be a collection of the star's films, a designer tracksuit, £300 cash and a 20-year subscription to Chemistry World magazine.

A photoshoot will also be organised to replicate the image in which Sir Sean lounges on a jetty with a Louis Vuitton shoulder bag resting at his feet.

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