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The real MI5 recruiting savvy CIO team leader

09-Jun-2010 • Bond Style

MI5 is on the hunt for a head of transformation and office of CIO: but if you are going to apply, you'd better keep it under your hat -- explains Silicon.

MI5 is the agency responsible for protecting the UK from domestic threats to national security, as featured in the BBC drama Spooks, while MI6 (home to James Bond) focuses on protecting British interests abroad.

The advertisment for the job mentions that MI5 is "increasingly dependent on its CIO organisation and a portfolio of mission critical" IT services. It adds: "With an ambitious plan to deliver new capability within constrained budgets and as part of our ongoing IT focus, the CIO team requires a significant transformation to be successful."

As you would expect for a job at this kind of organisation, the general eligibility section of the job advert points out that "discretion is important to the Security Service" and requests applicants keep knowledge of their application to immediate family and partners.

In addition, the new hire role will work with the CIO to help with the overall management of the CIO office which will include performance management, planning and staffing decisions.

The preferred applicant will have IT leadership experience in a blue-chip organisation including a proven track record in transformational work. They must also be a British citizen.

The job is advertised as paying "up to a six figure salary" and applications close on 15 June. After this date, the application process is likely to take up to six months from start to finish due to the need for extensive security checks.

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