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Aussie gossip magazine touts Hugh Jackman as top of the next 007 list, Bond director Lewis Gilbert agrees

28-Oct-2003 • Bond News

Celebrity "NW Magazine" claim they have an insider who has spilled the beans about the next Bond candidates.

The gossip mag, who obviously do not name their conveniently anonymous source, said:
"A list of possible successors has already been drawn up - and Hugh is at the very top. He`s got what the producers are looking for: dark good looks, sex appeal, a sense of humour and box-office clout. He`s also the right age."

The Australian based magazine, obviously keen to support their countryman, go on to dismiss Clive Owen`s chances:

"Owen lacks the necessary lightness of touch to make Bond a box-office success."

Bond director Lewis Gilbert added, "You can`t have someone too young playing Bond because they would never be believable in the part.

"And the chances of getting a superstar like Russell Crowe are slim because he`ll be too expensive, he`ll have all sorts of projects lined up and is unlikely to want to commit to making a series of films. Hugh Jackman clearly fits the bill."

Not that Hugh Jackman isn`t expensive or hasn`t got lots of projects lined up either...

MI6 Rumour Rating: Must have been a quiet day at the NW Magazine office.

Thanks to Spy for the alert.

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