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John `Q` Cleese tips Jack Davenport as the next 007

12-Nov-2003 • Bond News

According to Channel 4 News (UK), John Cleese has cast his vote for who should replace Pierce Brosnan as the world`s favourite super spy - British `Talented Mr Ripley` actor Jack Davenport.

Cleese - who plays gadget man Q - is good friends with Davenport`s father and is convinced that he, and not hot favourite Clive Owen, should take on the coveted part.

He says, "I wouldn`t mind seeing Jack Davenport playing Bond. He`s a kid I worked with in the past and the son of a good friend of mine. Good little actor. He co-starred in `Pirates of the Caribbean` last summer. He`s got my vote."

Thanks to Spy and doMANo for the alert.

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