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Brosnan`s self portait in charity auction

22-Aug-2002 • Bond News

Empire Online are reporting that Pierce Brosnan has donated a self portrait to a charity auction to help raise funds for a school.

Teddington School needs to raise £50,000 to qualify for a government grant to turn it into an arts college. Cue a clever fund-raising idea in which celebrities and artists were sent blank postcards to decorate, which the school could then auction off. Obviously the acting fraternity thought so, because a large number of them were happy to send off their doodlings for the sale.

Pierce Brosnan`s self portrait is among some A-List names who have donated.

Headmaster Richard Weeks told Empire Online, "The response has been superb. Finger`s crossed we`re looking at raising a million pounds".

The sale takes place on 6th September 2002 at Christies.

Thanks to `MBE` for the alert.

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