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Yet another Catherine Zeta Jones rumour - this time Connery is linked with her Bond girl desires

01-Dec-2003 • Casino Royale

Every time another Brosnan Bond film is in the pipeline, the media seem to recycle stories about Catherine Zeta Jones - either playing the Bond girl or taking over as a "female Bond".

This time her publicity is running through British newspapers, even some respectable ones, and of course movie news websites.

The latest story surrounds her supposed u-turn on her desire to become a Bond girl after Sean Connery is alleged to have given her a pep-talk.

She reportedly sought the advice of her "Entrapment" co-star Sir Sean Connery, and now wants to sing the theme and be a Bond girl.

An anonymous (they always are) movie source has been quoted in the press as saying: "Catherine is seriously considering whether this would be a good move for her but she won`t say yes unless the script is dead right. She`s spoken to Sean about it and he`s told her to go for it but only if she isn`t just going to be another notch on the Bond bedpost. Catherine wants to sing the theme and play a strong character who`s an equal to 007 and not a bitchy villain - maybe even a kind of female Bond."

Just what Bond fans are after - another "female Bond".

Presently, not even a draft script for Bond 21 has been completed. Shooting is expected to start in January 2005 with Pierce Brosnan playing 007 for the fifth time.

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