BAFTA will pay tribute to legendary production designer Sir Ken Adam at a special public event next month in London...

Sir Ken Adam BAFTA Tribute

9th March 2011

BAFTA and Oscar winner Ken Adam defined the look of the early James Bond films with lavish and ingenious sets and international style: Dr. No, Goldfinger, Thunderball, You Only Live Twice, Diamonds Are Forever, The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker.

The War Room he created for Stanley Kubrick's Dr Strangelove remains one of cinema's most iconic images, often cited by other filmmakers as a favourite movie set.

Over five decades in the industry, Adam received nine BAFTA and five Oscar nominations and other key production credits include Barry Lyndon, The Ipcress File, Pennies from Heaven, The Madness of King George, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Addams Family Values to name but a few.


A master of designing immense open spaces combining futuristic visions of technology with a love for German Expressionism and modern architecture, Adam is also a darling of the design and architecture worlds with fans and friends from Sir Norman Foster to Harry Potter-designer Stuart Craig. He is also the only Production Designer to have had a retrospective at a major UK gallery at the Serpentine in 2000.

In this BAFTA Tribute and belated 90th Birthday Celebration, BAFTA will welcome fans and colleagues to explore Sir Ken's extraordinary work. Tributes will include Sir Michael Caine, Nicholas Meyer, Sir Roger Moore, Sir Ronald Harwood, Lewis Gilbert, Sir Christopher Frayling and design luminaries such as Julia Peyton-Jones and Alice Rawsthorn as well as video tributes from the current generation of production designers such as this year's BAFTA winner Guy Hendrix Dyas and his fellow nominees.

The Tribute is generously supported by The Albert R. Broccoli and Dana Broccoli Foundation.

Data Stream
Location: Jarvis Hall, Royal Institute of British Architects, 66 Portland Place London W1B 1AD
Date: Monday 4th April 2011
Time: 18:30
Tickets: £13.00 (BAFTA members free). Tickets include a pre-event champagne reception.

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