Carver Stealth Ship
(Tomorrow Never Dies)
Vehicle: Carver Stealth Ship
Movie: Tomorrow Never Dies
Owner: Elliot Carver
Status: Destroyed
A ship specially constructed with stealth technology and materials
to be invisible to shipping radar.
The stealth ship was initially used to sink the Devonshire,
as Gupta used the navigation device to set the Devonshire off
course, into Chinese waters, the Devonshire crew in fact thinking
it was in international waters. The Stealth Ship used it's see
drill to rip through the Devonshire the crew thinking the Chinese
MIG's had dropped a torpedo into the ocean. The crew of the Stealth
ship stole a cruise missile from the Devonshire, and rigged it
up in their own ship. When Bond infiltrated the Stealth ship,
and Carver had been terminated, Bond and Stamper got into a brawl
on the frame of the cruise missile, Bond flicking a leaver, pinning
Stamper's leg in the base of the missile. Bond cut himself loose
from Stamper's grip, and dropped into the water, the missile
firing and backblasting blew Stamper and the Stealth ship to
The huge catamaran style war ship was equipped with the following: