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Sir Sean Connery heads to Panama for a special expedition Burns Night supper

25-Jan-2004 • Actor News

A Scottish company has made epicurean history by producing haggis, the great chieftan o` the puddin-race, in America – in tins.

Ken Stahly expanded his firm`s global production capabilities to Chicago in an attempt to overcome the problems they faced exporting to the US.

Traditional versions of the dish are banned and importing meat from Scotland is virtually impossible because of the tortuous process of securing approval from the US Food and Drugs Administration.

Colonel John Blashford-Snell regularly takes supplies of the Stahly haggis on his global expeditions when he hosts makeshift and uniquely styled Burns suppers in far-flung places such as Nepal, Guyana and Bolivia. This year, it is being held in Panama and will be attended by Sir Sean Connery.

He said: "As there are currently more Scots overseas than there are in Scotland, I think the market is definitely big enough to make haggis a success in the US. There`s a growing trend there at the moment to embrace everything Scottish, and that includes our home-grown cuisine."

Burns Night is on January 25th.

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