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Pierce Brosnan enjoys a break, and a Kit-Kat, claim the makers of the chocolate biscuit bar

19-Feb-2004 • Actor News

Someone call Pierce Brosnan and give him the good news. The maker of Kit Kat chocolate bars is considering launching a lemon cheesecake flavour version in the UK in a bid to revive flagging sales.

The company names 50 year-old Pierce Brosnan as an ardent fan of the chocolate-coated biscuit bar.

Rowntree`s Chocolate Crisp – as it was first known – arrived in shops in September 1935, costing the equivalent of 1p in today’s money.

The snack only became Kit Kat in 1937, two years before the Second World War, launching a product which went on to become Britain’s top confectionery and biscuit brand.

During the Second World War, Kit Kat was portrayed as a valuable wartime food. In 1957, the first TV advertisement was aired with the famous line that is still in use today: "Have A Break – Have A Kit Kat".

But despite the statistic that 47 of the biscuits are eaten every second in Britain, its future may reply upon new recipes and celebrity endorsements to bring the bar`s flagging sales.

It`s doubtful 007 will be seen snapping a bar of the famous chocolate snack in the next movie, but quite a few might be enjoyed behind the scenes when the cameras aren`t rolling.

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