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Scientists test James Bond stunts as part of National Science Week in Cardiff, Wales - March 24th

15-Mar-2004 • Event

Could James Bond really have escaped drowning to death by sucking on air from a car tyre in A View To A Kill?

And is it likely Clint Eastwood could have escaped from Alcatraz using just some silver dimes, a spoon and a box of matches?

We`ve all watched a breathtaking stunt in a Hollywood movie and wondered if there`s any way it could be done in real life.

But now the answers to these questions and more will be at the centre of a light-hearted look at the reality of science on the big screen during Cardiff University`s forthcoming celebration of National ScienceWeek.

In an event to be held at the UCI Cinema at Cardiff Bay on Wednesday, March 24, Dr Jonathan Hare, presenter of the BBC2 programme Hollywood Science, will show clips from some of the cinema`s top movies and present live demonstrations to support (or disprove) the science content.

The Bond and Eastwood answers will not be revealed until the day.

"Hollywood does take liberties," said Dr Hare yesterday, "but, surprisingly, a large number of the films we have chosen to look at have passed the test.

"It`s good fun and it`s a good way to introduce people, young and old, to science."

Organiser Wendy Sadler of the university`s School of Physics and Astronomy, said, "People quite like to suspend reality when they visit the cinema, but just for fun we thought we`d look at what would happen to the Hollywood stars if they conducted such stunts in the real world.

"It`s great to take science out of the laboratory and into the cinema. And by showing clips on the big screen it also gives everyone the chance to relive some favourite movie moments and show that science doesn`t always take itself too seriously."

This event, sponsored by the Institute of Physics in Wales, and the British Association for the Advancement of Science, is part of the University`s National Science Week running from March 12-21.

The week is aimed at increasing the appeal and public understanding of science amongst all age groups in the community.

Other events include a unique chance to explore the universe with the help of live link-up to Faulkes Telescope North, a giant robotic telescope located on the Hawaiian island of Maui. Schoolchildren can also enter a jungle of plants and snakes.

Further information is available by calling Cardiff University`s public relations office on 029 2087 4499.

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