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Halle Berry to kick off National Diabetes Education Campaign to help increase awareness

10-May-2004 • Actor News

"Die Another Day" star Halle Berry has joined Novo Nordisk and the Entertainment Industry Foundation as the first national ambassador of a public service campaign called "Diabetes Aware." The campaign informs Americans about the importance of diabetes detection, monitoring and proper management of this chronic, progressive disease.

"I'm pleased to join the 'Diabetes Aware' campaign," said Ms. Berry, Academy Award and Golden Globe winning actress, who is living with type 1 diabetes. "Hopefully through our efforts, we will empower people to better understand what it means to live with diabetes and not be afraid to seek help."

Today more than 18 million people nationwide have diabetes, of which 5.2 million are undiagnosed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Diabetes, when not treated properly, often can lead to serious complications, including blindness, kidney damage, heart disease, amputations and stroke. In 2000, diabetes was the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. To help effect change with these alarming statistics, "Diabetes Aware" aims to educate Americans about how early diagnosis partnered with an individualized treatment plan can help to prevent long-term complications associated with diabetes. Further, the campaign will encourage Americans to get a simple blood glucose test to determine if they are living with the disease.

"We are proud to join forces with Halle Berry and the Entertainment Industry Foundation to help elevate diabetes on the healthcare agenda, encourage testing for the disease and improve treatment practices. With millions affected by diabetes, it is critical to stress the importance of proper management, which includes controlling the levels of blood glucose, a healthy diet, exercise and regular visits to a doctor," said Martin Soeters, president, Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Inc. He added, "The Entertainment Industry Foundation has successfully championed numerous healthcare issues and we believe that together we can change the course of diabetes for good."

As part of the "Diabetes Aware" campaign, the group will issue various public service announcements and patient awareness materials including an interactive CD-ROM to help improve communications between healthcare professionals and patients about how to optimally treat diabetes. The first public service announcement, to be released nationally in early May, will feature Halle Berry. In addition, the organizations will sponsor a number of diabetes-focused events geared at both patients and professionals to continue awareness.

"Together the Entertainment Industry Foundation, Novo Nordisk and our celebrity campaign ambassadors are committed to enhancing the health of people with diabetes," said Lisa Paulsen, president of the Entertainment Industry Foundation. "By partnering with diabetes pioneer Novo Nordisk, our goal is to help people with diabetes learn more about the effects of diabetes and take a more active role in the management and treatment of the disease."

Thanks to `Bobby` for the alert.

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