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Pierce Brosnan lends his support to `Carers Week` in the UK

15-Jun-2004 • Actor News

Celebrities have given their support to the courageous people who give up everything to care for a sick loved-one.

Pierce Brosnan is among the stars voicing their support for carers during Carers Week.

Research has shown that two-thirds of carers in the UK feel that their own health has suffered as a result of their caring role.

It is estimated that the UK's six million carers save the Exchequer £57 billion a year by providing 24-hour care to friends and family which would otherwise have to be provided by the NHS or social services.

Brosnan, who cared for his wife Cassandra before her death from ovarian cancer in 1991, said: "Carers are incredibly courageous people who often give up a lot to look after someone else. They need all the support we can give them."

Research for Carers Week found that just 2% of GPs offered carers a special appointment system, and only 37% kept notes of carers on their medical records in order to keep a special eye on them.

Campaigners said this made if more difficult for carers to seek treatment for themselves and, if they needed emergency medical care, for arrangements to be made for the person they care for.

Carers Week is organised by the charities Carers UK, Crossroads for Caring and Carers, the MS Society and The Princess Royal Trust for Carers. More information on events taking place during Carers Week is available by visiting www.carersweek.org.

Thanks to `Pete` for the alert.

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