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Sir Sean Connery steps into the SNP leadership power struggle

27-Jun-2004 • Actor News

Sir Sean Connery has stepped into the SNP leadership contest, vetting Nicola Sturgeon in a private meeting in Edinburgh last Wednesday, even before she announced her candidacy, reports The Sunday Herald.

News of the meeting comes after outgoing Scottish National Party leader John Swinney yesterday launched an attack on members of his inner team who he feels undermined him. Although he named no names, Swinney’s most trenchant criticism was obviously aimed at Mike Russell, the party’s former chief executive who lost his MSP seat last year. Russell, however, is likely to announce tomorrow that he will stand as party leader.

Some of Swinney’s criticism was also directed at Sturgeon, a long-time ally and his former campaign manager. Pointedly, he did not tell her of his intention to resign last Monday, although he did tell his deputy leader and Sturgeon’s rival in the leadership battle, Roseanna Cunningham.

The meeting between Sturgeon and Connery took place in Edinburgh’s exclusive New Club and was arranged to discuss the SNP’s disappointing results in the European elections. Also discussed was the justice spokes woman’s plans for the leadership.

Sturgeon last night said: “He’s not endorsing me – it was just a general discussion, chewing the fat about the election results.” It is understood there was no such meeting between the expatriate and Cunningham.

Thanks to `Scotty` for the alert.

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