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`Octopussy` villain Stephen Berkoff leads the fight against UK fraudsters

29-Jun-2004 • Actor News

A new campaign is warning benefit fraudsters to think twice before they try and cheat the system, and an ex-James Bond villain is leading the fight.

Hundreds of people are caught out every day when members of the public report them to the benefit fraud hotline. Investigators have the power to put suspected fraudsters under surveillance and can turn up unannounced at their workplace.

New adverts featuring former "Octopussy" villain Stephen Berkoff will warn people that the government is serious about cracking down on benefit fraud.

Anti-fraud Minister Chris Pond said that benefit cheats steal £2bn of public money every year - £80 for every family in Britain.

"We've already cut fraud in Income Support and Jobseekers Allowance by 38 per cent so we're on course to hit our target of cutting fraud in half by 2006. But we need help from the public to get there."

He urged people who know someone who's committing benefit fraud to call the national benefit fraud hotline in confidence on 0800 854440. Lines are open between 7am and 11pm seven days a week and reports can also be made online.

Thanks to `00-Heaven` for the alert.

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